Oktober 22, 2012

Someone that we can't call mine?

I beg, do you ever feel like this?
Umm, where should i start...
Jadi, perasaan ini dimulai ketika seseorang yang deket sama kita, we usually called it "Our Bestfriend" is start to know the other friends. And overtime it feels like your friend is start to liking their new friends, it kinda feels like they are start to enjoy play with them than u. How does it feels? Yeah, because i'm one of that sensitive girl, i feel like my friend are make space with me. Not really clear. Not really to the point. But somehow i feel that.
That feel, when you feel like nobody likes you. Actually, they really do. But yeah i know they do it because they think we're change.
So, it goes like this.. "When your bestfriend, calls someone else their bestfriends. and, i'm like... I thought what we had was special...." Well, that's embarrassing.. 
i do know this is embarrassing, but i cant handle this feeling when it comes to me like all the time and when i see her with their basically new BESTFRIEND:) aww thats too sweet, i just think that "I'm completely not enjoy with her. I go insane and she isn't fit enough with me" haha that's the only reason to make me not really feel like losing her. And honestly, i'm dying to know...is it killing her like it's umm..killing me?

Juli 20, 2012

Late Uploaaddd


Vhs on love!!

Haiii, MOPDB nya udah selesaaaiiii. dan skrg, jreng jreeeengg, i am Vocational High School student:'D HAHAHAHA.

Such a new life, apalagi skrg udah jauh dr ortu, huftttT_T kata bokap harus pinter pinter jaga diri, kalo kata nyokap, jangan pernah jauh sama yg diatas, aaaah kalo keinget mereka tuh yaa bawaannya mau cepet2 sukses aja.

Eh ya, satu kata yg pengen banget gue denger dari mulut bokap& nyokap ituuuu, "THAT'S MY DAUGHTER" hahahaha, kaya di film2 gtdeeeh kalo anaknya lagi wisudaan terus bokap yg paling pertama berdiri dan standing applause ckckck cepet2 jadi kenyataan deh yaa minAminnn. Oh yaaa, terus hmm apalagi yaaa, udah lama nih ga blogwalking, pokonya intinya pas MOPDB kemarin itu seru parahhh, walaupun ada part part yg gaenak, tapi the point areee bener bener unforgettable dan enjoy banget deh, OH YA TAU GA SI GUE LAGI SUKA SAMA COWO NIH ANAK TELKOM KELAS 11 kemaren maren mah udah sempet deket, EEEHHH SKRG....HMMMM AU AH GELAP. Yaudah yaa dadaaaah gue mau skypean duluuu nih, tmn india gue udah nungguin.

Mei 13, 2012

                                            source: Google


This is a very very very boring holiday. Ahhh pengen cepet2 pengumuman UN kapan sihhh-_- sebenernya afraid to know too, but i've got this some curious feels everyday. Gimanaya kalo nanti hasilnya jelek bisa digantung kali gue. Nanti kalo udah tau hasilnya gimana yaaa. Masya Allah takut nyesekkkk tapi yaudalah udah berusaha semaksimal mungkin..
& ya sampe sekarang blm tau mau masuk mana, mau nya sih galas wakwawww tp kok kaya ngarepz banget yah kesannya HAHAHAHA kagatau ah yg penting tau nem nya aja dulu baru deh mikirin mau masuk mana  nya.

OH YA, hari ini speech contest nya udah selesai HAHAHA walaupun gabisa jadi juara 1 tapi seenggaknya gue udah mencobaaaa HAHAHAHA TAU AH NYESEK ABIS. Bagian terjlebnya tuh pas .......................... ya yu know lah rasanya HAHAHAHAHA.

Speech Contest boooo

Bismillahihirrohmanirrohim. i'm trying to make my own speech for the contest next week.
honestly, my teacher already give the speech for me but he wants me to make it by my self. i dont have many imagination but i try my hardest.

so, here it goes.

Good evening, ladies and gentleman, the judges, the comittees, all my dear friends and to all audiences.

First of all, lets praise Allah SWT that has given us the lifes, gifts, enjoyments and health, until today so that we could get together at this event.
Secondly, let me introduce my self, my name's Rafaela Adelia, i'm 14 years old, i go to 231 junior high school, i'm study english at oxford utomo, and i'm in level 3 of Senior Class.

Today i'd like to tell u about "Teenage Lifestyle Today's Day" and This speech was written by me..

As we know friends! teenagers lifestyle nowadays are very different with the old one. Teenager  nowadays have already changed in comparison with teens in the past. Taking into accoung eating habits, an active way of life, spending free times and clothes. Todays, teenagers are so easy to get friend. They also spending their free time with things that are not useful. Todays social networking are getting important in teenagers life. This social networking makes teenagers more easily to find friends from all over the world. This social networking not only bring positive things to teenagers, it also brings many negative things.

Not just only social networking that addicted in teenagers life. But there also a lot of things, such as mobile phones, internet, music, movies and video games. The most of them are gadget. Teenagers who don't have cool gadget will look like out of date. But in fact, gadget or smartphone are ruining our time. Because if someone already gotten addicted to their gadget, at once they would never be able to stop playing it. It is very exciting for the youth.

As a teenager, i always think that having cool gadget is make me know more about worldwide, but the most important thing is, gadget will make me not being out of date. But the impact are not good. The example of one of the bad impact is for our education. This gadget make us not consentrate to the lesson. So, my friends, all we have to do is just play them as much enough and we have to be wise to manage our time. Not a few of teenagers use their gadget to show off.

So, for goodness of our teenager time, sometimes after school we dont have anything to do, so therefore we must looking for many activities. Such as attending many course to develop our skills. Not just only go to the mall, shopping & do those things that not important for our life. Because if we dont study from now, we wil get problem for our future. From this moment, we must do things that useful for our life.

Alright ladies and gentleman and my dear friends, Don’t do things that can ruining our life. My final word is always study from now and don’t wait till tomorrow what u can do today. Don’t waste our time in vain. See you again next time. Thank you very much for your attention. Wasalammualaikum wr.wb.
So well, the contest will be held in 13th may, Seriously i'm not sure i can handle this on the stage..but,it is a must in my class, so i have to practice alot! wish me tons of luckssss, amen.