Desember 10, 2009

Where Are You From & Family Activities

Where Are You From?

Tom: Hi. I don't think we've meet. My name 's Tom.

Jenny: Hi, Tom. Nice to meet you. My name is Juanita, but everybody calss me Jenny.

Tom: Nice to meet you, Jnny. So, where are you from?

Jenny: Well, originally I'm from Argentina, but we moved to the United States when I was about five years old. My parents now lived in Chile. That's where they first met. How about you, Tom?

Tom: I was born in Fresno, California, and we lived there until I was seven. Then, since my father worked for the millitary, we moved all over the place.

Jenny: Oh yeah? Where are some of the places you've lived?

Tom: Mostly, we were overseas. We spent a total of ten years in Korea, Germany and Okinawa, Japan. We were transferred back to the States three years ago. But i think my parents would have liked to live overseas for at least 20 more years.

Jenny: Wow. It sounds like you've had an interesting life. So, what do you do now?

Tom: I'm a student at Purdue University.

Jenny: Oh really? What are you studying?

Tom: I'm majoring in psychology. How about you? What do you do?

Jenny: Well, I'm working as a sales represntative for Vega Computers downtown.

Tom: No kidding My brother works there too.


Family Activities

Emily: Welcome home, Dad.

Dad: Oh Emily, How are you today?

Emily: Fine.

Dad: Good. And how was school today?

Emily: Really fun.

Dad: Good. And what did you do?

Emily: We made thing.

Dad: And what types of things did you make?

Emily: We made books.

Dad: You made books! Okay. And what else?

Emilly: We. . . We made paper kangaroos.

Dad: You made paper kangaroos? Okay, And what did you need to make your paper kangaroos? What kind of supplies did you need?

Emily: We used crayoons, papers, glue and we had to follow directions.

Dad: Oh. Okay. Well good. And what did you do after school?

Emily: We wend home, played games.

Dad: And did... Mom said you went to the Junior high school.

Emily: I rode my bike in the tennis court.

Dad: Did you go by yourself?

Emily: I went with my whole family, and we went with Nathan, Sara, Racheal.

Dad: You went with your cousins.

Emily: And my mom. And Aubrey and Joshua.

Dad: Well, that's great. Well, let's get ready for dinner.

Emily: Okay.

Desember 03, 2009


Once upon the thime there lived the sweet little girl called "Ella". Her mother had died when she was a child, and soon her father to die. She lived with queering step mother and her two proud step sisters. They made Ella do all the house works. "Clean the chimney, dust the cover, iron my clothes" they cried. The young girl always covered the suit and dust and she was called "Cinderella".

One day the prince livented all the girls on the kingdom for a ball in the castle, every one including the two step sisters were very excited. Cinderella wanted to go to the ball but the sisters laugh at her. "Stay at home and scrap the floor" scream the step mother.

The day of the ball finally came. The step mother and the step sisters left Cinderella alone at home. She was so disappoint then she begun to cry. Suddenly, she saw a serne light in the room. A woman who a kind smiled and the wand stood on the floor. "Who are you?" asked Cinderella surprised. The woman repiled, "I'm your fairy god mother, I'll help you go to the ball, now stop crying". "But i have nothing to ware", shout Cinderella "I can't go to the ball".

The fairy god mother smiled, she cuts the pumpkins and turned it into a grand carriage. When the way of her wand, she changed six mice magician horses to pull the carriage and another mouse in to a foot-man. Finallyl she canged Cinderella's dress into a beautiful dress.

There, bow you look like a princes she said to Cinderella, but remember you should come back home before 12 o'clock for then the spell would be broken. Cinderella replied, "I wouldn't forget," "thank you so much" then she went to the castle.

Cinderella was the prettiest girl at the ball. Her step sisters didn't recognize her. All the other girls were very jealous because the prince dances with her the whole night.

Cinderella had a wonderfull time at the ball, however the moment she heard the clock tried twelve, she remember the fairy god mother words and ran away. In a hurry, she left one glass slipper on the castle.

Now the prince's fallilng in love with her and wanted to find her. He said to his man, "go to every house on the land, find the girl whose food fit into glass slipper, she will be the one I'll marry.

The king spent reaching to Cinderella's house. The two steps sisters tried hard to get their big feet to fit into the slipper but in way. Finally, Cinderella's foot could fit perfectly into the glass slipper.

The prince and Cinderella will soon marry in a grand family. The wicked t\sisters never bothered her again.

November 12, 2009

kiamat 2012 ?

SEMUA akan berakhir. Pun alam semesta. Belakangan santer kabar akhir zaman jatuh pada 21 Desember 2012. Banyak pihak berkomentar. Mulai dari ilmuwan, peramal, hingga selebriti ramai membicarakan angka cantik 21/12/2012. Berbagai buku mengenai kiamat pun diterbitkan.

Kepala Pusat Pemanfaatan Sains Antariksa Sri Kaloka Prabotosari mengatakan, sebetulnya “kiamat” yang terjadi pada 2012 adalah puncak siklus aktivitas matahari. Hal itu terjadi setiap 11 tahun. “Di saat aktivitas matahari aktif itu matahari itu akan memancarkan radiasi-radiasi dan juga partikel-partikel dan juga gelombang elektromagnetik,” ucap Sri di Jakarta, baru-baru ini.

Dari luar negeri, Laurence E. Joseph dalam bukunya Apocalyopse 2012 mengatakan, 21/12/2012 adalah titik balik musim dingin tahunan. Saat itu, belahan utara Bumi berada di titik terjauh dari matahari. Semua fenomena ini secara teori bakal menimbulkan sejumlah bencana alam dalam waktu berdekatan.

Uniknya, prediksi ilmiah ini pun bersesuaian dengan ramalan-ramalan kuno. Salah satunya berdasarkan kalender peradaban bangsa Maya. Bangsa Maya adalah sekelompok masyarakat yang diperkirakan berdiri sejak 1800 SM di wilayah Mexico selatan. Dari kalender bangsa Maya diramalkan, pada 12 Desember 2012 energi yang mengalir dari titik Bimasakti ke Bumi akan terganggu. Hal itu terjadi karena guncangan pada rotasi Bumi. Bangsa Maya percaya bahwa hal ini akan merusak keseimbangan mekanisme vital Bumi. Termasuk semua makhluk penghuninya.

Sebenarnya apa sih yang akan terjadi pada bumi di tanggal itu? KIAMAT! demikian menurut para penutur, dengan berbagai cara dan sumber malapetaka yang akan membuat bumi berada dalam keadaan berhenti total atau hancur lebur.

PERTAMA dikatakan bahwa pada tanggal tersebut, matahari akan menutupi bumi dari hubungan garis lurus dengan Galaksi kita. Posisi matahari yang sedemikian, akan memutus “tali pusar” bumi dengan pusat Galaksi, fenomena yang hanya akan terjadi 26.000 tahun sekali dan akan menyebabkan bencana musim dingin berkepanjangan, atau mungkin bahkan adanya lidah matahari yang menjadi sangat panjang dan menjilat atmosfir atau bahkan permukaan bumi dan membakar semua kehidupan
“Anda harus mengerti, tidak akan ada sama sekali sisa,” kata Patrick Geryl kepada ABC News. “Kita harus akan memulai kembali semua kebudayaan dan kehidupan dari awal lagi.” Geryl, pekerja laboratorium berusia 53 tahun yang hidup di Belgia, keluar dari pekerjaannya dua tahun lalu setelah ia menabung sejumlah uang yang cukup digunakan sampai tahun 2012. Ia sekarang sedang mengumpulkan persediaan yang jika di daftar, mencapai 11 halaman lebih.

KEDUA dikatakan pula bahwa pada tanggal tersebut akan terjadi pembalikan titik magnet bumi, entah secara mendadak atau secara perlahan, tapi yang jelas, utara akan menjadi selatan, dan sebaliknya, matahari akan terbit dari barat dan seterusnya. Intinya, bencana akan timbul karena perubahan mendadak yang menyebabkan gravitasi dan medan magnet berantakan, angin dan gempa bumi, aliran air juga akan terpengaruh dan berbagai bencana alam akan terjadi serempak

KETIGA diramalkan matahari akan menjadi sangat luar biasa aktif dan menyebabkan panas luar biasa yang mencapai bumi, apalagi karena atmosfir kita yang menipis dan berlubang, hanya akan menyebabkan pemanasan secara radikal, yang selanjutnya bisa Anda saksikan seperti di film The Day After Tommorow

KEEMPAT salah seorang fisikawan di UC Berkeley mengatakan bahwa 65 juta tahun lalu, adanya tumbukan asteroid raksasa yang memicu berbagai reaksi dalam bumi yang mengakibatkan dinosaurus musnah dalam waktu yang sangat singkat dan bisa dikatakan hampir bersamaan. Menurut sumber fisikawan yang tidak diketahui namanya tadi, dengan siklus perhitungan ilmiah (yang tidak diketahui juga prosesnya) kejadian yang sama akan terjadi dalam waktu singkat, kapan? ya 2012 tadi… O yah.. ada teori lain yang mendukung, adalah adanya teori Planet Nibiru yang adalah asteroid ini.

KELIMA para ahli Geofisika dari Rusia menyebutkan bahwa adanya medan awan energi antar bintang. Medan awan energi inilah yang merusak keseimbangan energi dalam susunan tata surya berbagai bintang yang ada, dan pada tahun 2012 sampai 2020, tata surya kita ini yang akan dilanda oleh awan energi perusak ini. Jika Anda bayangkan, kira-kira mirip dengan kejadian di film Fantastic 4: the Rise of the Silver Surver.

Sedangkan dari sisi spiritualitas dan supranatural, tanggal tersebut adalah tanggal yang akan menandai berbagai hal yang akan merubah atau merombak kehidupan dunia, tapi bukan kehancuran. Menurut para spiritualis, kejadian yang mungkin terjadi pada tanggal tersebut antara lain adalah:
1. Berhentinya waktu (bumi berhenti berputar)
2. Peralihan dari Zaman Pisces ke Aquarius
3. Peralihan dari Abad Silver ke Abad keemasan
4. End of Times = End of the World as we know it, akhir dunia dalam wujud kiamat
5. Akan ada sebuah Galactic Wave (Gelombang energi antar Galaksi) yang besar, yang memberhentikan semua kegiatan di muka bumi ini, termasuk kemusnahan manusia
6. Perubahan dari dimensi 3 ke dimensi 4, bahkan 5
7. Kehidupan manusia meningkat dari level dimensi 3, ke 4, DNA manusia meningkat dari strain 2 ke 12, sehingga manusia dapat menggunakan telepati bahkan telekinesis
8. Ada yang menyatakan tidak akan terjadi apa-apa
9. Ada yang menyatakan waktu sudah tidak akan berlaku, jadi waktu tidak linear, tetapi bisa berubah2, sesuai dengan waktu yang kita alami, arena ditemukannya mesin waktu
10. Ditemukannya mesin waktu dan stargate
11. Manusia sudah dapat melakukan transportasi ke galaxi lain, melalui stargate
12. Bangkitnya Messiah, yang akan menyelamatkan manusia dari kehancuran
13. Kebangkitan Isa AS / Jesus
14. First Contact pertama kali peradaban manusia dengan Alien/UFO
15. Manusia bergabung dengan komunitas antar galaxi pertama kali, manusia = galaxy being.
Sedangkan menurut para ahli yang mebantah teori ini mengatakan: “Ramalan2 itu benar2 nggak ada dasarnya sama sekali, apalagi di kebudayaan Maya yang kita kenal,” kata Stephen Houston, profesor antropologi di Brown University, yang adalah juga ahli tulisan hieroglif Maya. “Penggambaran bangsa maya tidak pernah menyebut2 hal ini.” katanya. Bangsa maya melihat bahwa tanggal tersebut adalah tanggal kalender mereka, tapi kemudian mengulang kalender mereka kembali tanpa adanya bencana sama sekali.

Sementara mengenai teori planet Nibiru, bantahan yang ada dari seorang ahli di NASA mengatakan “Kami aja sampai sekarang masih berdebat soal Pluto, tiba2 ada orang yang mengatakan adanya planet Nibiru, dari mana lagi sih? Lucu sekali, kami sampai sekarang belum bisa menemukan planet lain, sudah ada yang menemukan planet Nibiru pula, tanpa ada konfirmasi dari mana berita itu muncul.”
Mana yang Anda percaya?

Leonardo Da Vinci

Leonardo lahir pada tahun 1452 di kota Vinci, propinsi Firenze, Italia anak dari Ser Piero Da Vinci dan Caterina, jadi nama lengkapnya yaitu Leonardo di Ser Piero da Vinci yang berarti Leonardo putra Ser Piero asal kota Vinci.

Pada tahun 1476 tertuduh dengan kasus homoseksual dengan seorang model laki-laki berusia belasan tahun yang bernama Jacopo Saltarelli. Sehingga beberapa tahun itu Leonardo selalu berada di bawah pengawasan yang berwenang.

Pada usia belia, beliau sudah belajar melukis dengan Andrea del Verrocchio dan mulai melukis di Firenze.Ada kabar mengisahkan Verrochio menyatakan pensiun melukis setelah menyaksikan bahwa lukisan muridnya yang satu ini lebih bagus dari lukisannya sendiri. Selain menjadi pelukis Leonardo juga sanggup menunjukkan kemampuannya di bidang yang lain. Pada tahun 1481 Leonardo pindah ke Milan untuk bekerja dengan Adipati(Duke) di sana.Hasil karyanya selama di Milan yang paling termashur adalah Kuda Sforza yang dikerjakannya selama kurang lebih 11 tahun. Namun di situ ia tidak hanya melukis dan membuat patung saja, melainkan juga mengubah jalan-jalan sungai dan membangun kanal-kanal, serta menghibur Duke dengan memainkan lut dan bernyanyi. Lalu ia bekerja untuk Raja Louis XII dari Perancis di Milan dan untuk Paus Leo X di Roma

Sementara itu ia membantu Raphael dan Michaelangeo dalam merancang katedral Santo Petrus.Dalam hidupnya Leonardo sangat tertarik pada ilmu pengetahuan. Ia mulai mempelajari burung terbang dan mulai merancang mesin terbang. Pemikirannya itu terdapat dalam buku catatanya sebanyak 7.000 halaman. Didalam buku itu juga terdapat sketsa tentang studi tubuh manusia. Pada zaman itu, anatomi tubuh manusia tak lebih dari sekadar kira-kira karena siapapun dilarang keras membedah jenazah. Dengan kenekatannya mencuri-curi kesempatan membedah-bedah tubuh orang mati, di kemudian hari tindakan yang tak lazim di zamannya ini memberikan kontribusi yang sangat besar bagi dunia kedokteran.

Mahakaryanya, Jamuan Terakhir(The Last Supper) pada tahun 1495 sampai tahun 1497 yang dilukis pada dinding biara Santa Maria di Milan, kini telah rusak akibat dimakan waktu. Lukisan terkenal lainnya adalah Mona Lisa yang kini terdapat di musium Louvre Paris. Sebuah spekulasi yang beredar tentang siapa sesungguhnya Mona Lisa antara lain menyatakan bahwa citra perempuan tersebut merupakan hasil rekaan wajah Da Vinci sendiri. Spekulasi yang lain menyatakan bahwa perempuan tersebut memang pernah ada, seorang istri pedagang.

Leonardo da Vinci wafat di Clos Lucé, Perancis pada tanggal 2 Mei 1519, dan dimakamkan di Kapel St. Hubert di kastel Amboise, Perancis.

Setelah wafatnya, sangat kuat ditengarai bahwa beliau pernah memegang peranan sebagai orang terkuat di sebuah organisasi rahasia bernama Priory of Sion yang berlaskarkan Knights Templar. Apakah organisasi rahasia ini? Banyak fakta mengarahkan pada suatu dugaan bahwa Priory of Sion merupakan sebuah organisasi yang menjaga ketat-ketat rahasia sejarah kristiani menurut versi yang berbeda dari kitab Injil yang beredar di masyarakat. Yang dirahasiakan adalah mengenai siapa mesias yang sesungguhnya dan kemungkinan Yesus tidak menjalankan hukum selibat. Dalam versi yang sempat menimbulkan kontroversi ini diyakini bahwa Mesias yang sesungguhnya adalah Santo Yohanes Pembaptis, hal tersebut tersirat dari kekerapan Da Vinci melukis Sang Santo dalam posisi telunjuk menuding ke atas sebagai simbolisasi 'Putra Allah'. Versi yang tak kalah mengagetkannya adalah kemungkinan Maria Magdalena si bekas perempuan sundal diperistri oleh Yesus. Namun semua hal tersebut tidak terbukti kebenarannya, hingga saat ini, sehingga tudingan ini hanya dianggap sebagai langkah untuk memojokkan posisi umat Kristiani.

search from : Wikipedia

Juli 23, 2009

Ten Fingers Lesson

PENDAHULUAN Komputer adalah suatu alat yang sangat canggih, selain canggih juga banyak menghasilkan manfaat dan berbagai keuntungan lainnya. Salah satu diantara manfaat dan keuntungan dari komputer adalah MENGETIK SEPULUH JARI. Mengapa disebut manfaat atau keuntungan? karena alat yang digunakan saat kita mengetik adalah komputer, walaupun masih ada beberapa alat lain yang dapat kita gunakan untuk mengetik contohnya (mesin ketik) alat itu sudah jarang digunakan. Jika sudah ada yang lebih praktis dan canggih, mengapa kita harus gunakan alat yang masih sederhana?....



Manfaatnya adalah mengetik menjadi lebih cepat, dan tidak hanya itu kita juga dapat mengetik tanpa melihat keyboard. Alasannya kita tidak boleh melihat keyboard adalah agar kita mengetik menjadi lebih cepat dan bahkan kita dianjurkan dalam menggunakan komputer hanya melihat buku atau dokumen yang harus kita ketik atau monitor. Dan tujuan dari mengetik sepuluh jari adalah menghemat waktu (efisien) dan kita tidak perlu bicara "huruf S dimana sih?". Karena dengan mengetik sepuluh jari plus tanpa melihat keyboard, kita akan menghemat waktu, selain itu efektif atau tepat dalam menekan huruf yang kita pilih.



Cara mengetik sepuluh jari adalah :
Berikut ini adalah lajur normal mengetik.
1. Letakkan jari kelingking kiri tepat di huruf "a"
2. Letakkan jari manis tepat kiri di huruf "s"
3. Letakkan jari tengah tepat kiri di huruf "d"
4. Letakkan jari telunjuk tepat kiri di huruf "f"
5. Letakkan ibu jari kanan dan kiri tepat di "space"
6. Letakkan jari telunjuk kanan tepat di huruf "j"
7. Letakkan jari tengah kanan tepat di huruf "k"
8. Letakkan jari manis kanan tepat di huruf "l"
9. Letakkan jari kelingking kanan tepat di huruf "; dan :"

dan untuk huruf-huruf yang lain, carilah jari terdekat dari huruf itu. Jika kamu telah menemukan jari terdekat, maka naikkan atau turunkan jari tersebut. Tetapi, jari yang tidak bersangkutan usahakan tetap pada jalur normal yang telah dianjurkan.



Pengalaman pertama saya mengetik sepuluh jari adalah, tidak lain sewaktu saya pertama kali belajar di OXFORD UTOMO. Karena selain di OXFORD UTOMO tidak pernah terpikirkan oleh saya untuk belajar mengetik sepuluh jari. Tapi, setelah saya belajar dan mengerti apa itu manfaat atau tujuan dari mengetik sepuluh jari. Saya langsung diharuskan untuk bisa mengetik sepuluh jari.

Pertama-tama, saya sangat bingung karena tidak pernah mengerti apa arti dari mengetik, saya mulai mengikuti instruksi atau petunjuk dari guru saya. Saya mulai menggerakkan jari saya sedikit demi sedikit. Berhari-hari kemajuan yang saya peroleh hanya sedikit. Tapi lama kelamaan hasilnya sungguh memuaskan. Berkat ajaran dari guru-guru saya di OXFORD UTOMO, jari saya mulai bisa menari dengan lincah diatas keyboard.



Maka dari itu, mulai dari sekarang untuk teman-teman yang telah membaca artikel saya. Saya harap mulai bisa melakukan apa yang telah saya beri di artikel saya walaupun kurang sedikit lengkap atau mungkin tidak begitu jelas, mulai sekarang kita coba untuk belajar sepuluh jari bagi yang belum bisa dan untuk yang sudah bisa agar lebih lincah dan lancar lagi.

Mei 28, 2009

History Of Halloween



Name : Rafaella Adelia
Reg. Number : 210800101
Level : Komputer II
Date : May 28th 2009


Halloween falls on October 31th each year in North America and other parts of the world. What do you know about Halloween? Do you celebrate it in your country? Here is a little history about it.
Like many other holidays, Halloween has evolved and changed throughout history. Over 2,000 years ago people called the Celts lived in what is New Year's Day. They believed that the night before the New Year (October 31) was a time when the living and the dead came together.
More than a thousand years ago the Christian church named November 1 All Saints Day (also called All Hallows.) This was a special holiday honor the saints and other people who died for their religion. The night berfore All Hallows was called Hallows Eve. Later the name was changed to Halloween.
Like the Celts, the Europeans of that time also believed that the spirits of the dead would visit the earth on Halloween. They worried that wvil spirits would cause problems of hurs them. So on that night people wore costumes that looked like ghosts or other evil creatures. They thought if they dressed like that, the spirits would think they were also dead and not harm them.
The tradition of Halloween was carried to America by the immigrating Europeans. Some of the treaditions changed to little, though. For example, on Halloween in Europa some people would carry lantems made from tumips. In America, pumpkins were more common. So people began puttin cadles inside them and using them as anterns. That is why you see Jack 'o lanterns today.
These days Halloween is not usuallly considered a religious holiay. It is primarily a fun day for children. Children dress up in costumes like people did a thousand years ago. But instead of worrying about evil spirits, they go from house to house. They knock on doors and say "trick or treat". The owner of each house gives candy of something special to each trik or treater.

Mei 07, 2009

Albert Einstein (biography)

Albert Einstein was born at Ulm, in Wurttemberg, Germany, on March 14, 1879. Six weeks later the family moved to Munich, where he later on began his schooling at the Luitpold Gymnasium. Later, they moved to Italy and Albert continued his education at Aarau, Switzerland and in in 1896 he entered the Swiss Federal Polytechnic School in Zurich to be trained as a teacher in physics and mathematics. in 1901, the year he gained his diploma, he acquired Swiss citizenship and, as he was unable to find a teaching post, he accepted a position as technical assistant in the Swiss Patent Office. In 1905 he obtained his doctor's degree.

During his stay at the Patent Office, and in his spare tim, he produced much of his remarkable work and in 1908 he was appointed Privatdozent in Berne. In 1909 he became Professor Extraordinary at Zurich, in 1911 Professor of Theoretical Physics at Prague, returnig to Zurich in the following year to fill a similar post. In 1914 he was appointed Director of the Kaiser Wilhelm Physical Institute and Professor in the University of Berlin. He became a German citizen in 1914 and remained in Berlin until 1933 when he renounced his citizenship for political reasons and emigrated to America to take the position of Professor of Theoretical Physics at Princeton*. He became a United States citizen in 1940 and retired from his pos in 1945.

After world War II , Einstein was a leading figure in the World Govermetn Movement, he was offered the Presidency of the State of Israel, which he declined, and he collaborated with Dr. Chaim Weizman in estlishing the Hebrew University of Jerusallem.

Einstein always appeared to have a clear view of the problems of physics and determination to solve them. He had a strategy of his own and was able to visualize the main stages on the way to his goal. He regarded his major achievements as mere stepping-stones for the next advance.

At the start of his scientific woek, Einstein realized the inadequacies of Newtonian mechanich and his special theory of relativity stemmed from and attempt to reconcile tha laws of mechanics wiht the laws of the electromagnetic field. He dealt with classical problems of statictical mechanics and problems in which they were merged with quantum theory : this led to an explanation of the Brownian movement of molecules. He investigated the thermal properties of light with a low radiation density and his observations to the problems of the theory of radiation and statictical mechanics.

In the 1920's, Einstein embarked on the constuction of unifiels field theories, although he contunued to work on the probabilistic interpretation of quantum theory, and he persevered with this work in America. He contributed to statistical mechanichs by his development of the quantum of theory of a monatomic gas and he has also accomplished valuable work in connection with atomic transition probablities and relativistic cosmology.

After his retirement he continued to work towrads the unification of the basic con cepts of physics, taking the opposite approach, geometrisation, to the majority physicists.

Einstein's researches are, of course, well chroniced and his more important works include Special Theory of Brownian Movement (1962), and the Evolution of Physics (1983). Among his non-scientific works, About Zionism (1930), Why War? (1933), My Philosophy (1934), and Out of My Later Years (1950) are perhaps the most important.

Albert Einstein received honorary doctorate degrees in science, medicine and philosophy from many European and American unversities. During the 1920's he lectured in Europe, America and the Far East and he was awarded Feloowships or Memberships of all the leading scientific academies throughout the world. He gained numerous awards in recognition of his work, including the Copley Meda of the royal Society of London in 1925, and the Franklin Medal of the Franklin Institute in 1935.

Einstein's gifts inevitably resulted in his dwelling much in intellectual solitude and, for relaxation, music played an important part in his life. He married Mileva Maric in 1903 and they had a daughter and two sons; their marriage was dissolved in 1919 and in the same year he married his cousin, Elsa Lowenthal, who died in 1936. He died on April 18, 1955 at Princeton, New Jersey.
Taken from : nobelprize

Mei 03, 2009

Aristotle (biography)

Greek philosopher who advocated reason and moderation. He maintained that sense experience is our only source of knowledge, and that by reasoning we can discoverthe essences of things, that is, their distinguishing qualities. In his works on ethics and politics, he suggested that human happiness consists in living in conformith with nature. He deriveved his political theory from the recognition that mutual aid is natural to humankind, and refused to set up any one constitution as universally ideal. Of Aristotle's works, around 22 treatises survive, dealing with logic, metaphysics, physics, astronomy, meteorology, biolgy, physchology, ethichs, politics, adn literary criticism.
Aristotle was born in Stagira in Thrace and studied in Athens, where he became a distinguished member of the Academy founded by Plato. He then opened a shool at Assos. At this time he regarded himself as a Platonist, but his subsequent thought led him further from the teaditions that had formed his early bachground and he was later critical of Plato. In about 344 BC he moved in Lesvos, and devoted the next two years to the study of natural history. Maenwhile, during residence at Assos, he had married Pyhhias, niece and adopted daughter of Hermeias, ruler of Atarnues.
In 342 BC he accepted an invitation from Philip II of Mavedon to go to Pella as tutor to Philip's son Alexander the Great. In 335 BC he opened a shool in th Lyceum (grove sacred to Apollo) in Athends. It became known as the 'peripatic school' because he walked up and down as he talked, and his works are a collection of his lecture notes. When Alexander died in 323 BC, Aristotle was forced to flee to Chalcis, where he died.
Among his many contributions to political though were the first systematic attempts do distinguish between different forms of goverment, ideas about the role of law in the state, and the conception of a science of politics.
In the Poetics, Aristotle defines tragic drama as an imitation (mimesis) of the actions of human beings, with character subotdinated to plot. The audience is affected by pity and fear, but experiences a purgation (cathrasis) of these emotions through watching the play. The second book of the Poetics, on comedy, is lost. The three books of Rhetoric form the earliest analytical duscussion of the techniques of persuasion, and the last presents a theory of the emotions to which a speakeer must appeal.
His works were the lost to Europe after the decline of Rome, but they were reintroduced in the Middle Ages by Arab and Jewish scholars and became the basis of medieval scholasticism.
His major writings on cosmology, or astronomy, ate brought together in the rour-volume Peri ouranou/On the Heavens. Aristotle refected tho notion of infinith and the notion of a vacum. A vacum he held to be impossibe because on object moving in it would meet no resistance and would there fore attain infinite velocit. Spave could not be infinete, becuse in Aristotle's view, the universe consisted of a series of comcertic spheres which rotated around the centrally placed, stationary Earth. If the outermost sphere were an ifinite distance from the Earth, it would he nable to complete its rotation within a finite period of time, in particular within the 24-hour period in which the stars, fixed, as Aristotle beleived, to the sphere, rotated around the Earth.
Aristotle's work in astronomy also included proving that the Earth was spherical. He observed that the Earth cast a circular shadow on the Moon during an eclopse and he pointed outh that as one travelled north or south, the stars changed their positions. Aristetle overestimated the Earth's diameter by only 50%.
Aristotle saw nature as always sriving to perfect itself. The principle of life he termed a soul, which he regarded as the frorm of the lie\ving creature, not as a subtance seperable from it, The intellect he believed, can discover in sense ompressions the unversal, and sice the soul thus transceds matter, it must be immortal. Art embodies nature, buy in a more perfect fashion. its ene being the purifying and ennobling of the affections. The essence of beauty is order and symmetry. Aristotle also frist classified organisms into spiecies and genera.
Taken from : Encyclopeia

April 17, 2009

Avril Lavigne - when your gone

Avril Lavigne is a girl who knows what she wants. And when it came to writing her eagerly awaited third album, The Best Damn Thing, she had one very clear goal in mind: To make it fun. While touring in 2004 for her last album, Under My Skin, which sold more than 8 million copies worldwide, the Canadian-born punk-pop dynamo found that her favorite songs to play were the faster, more up-tempo songs so she resolved to make a record that captured the kind of high-spirited, full-throttle energy that she loved to unleash on-stage.


I always need time on my own
I never thought I'd need you there when
I cryAnd the days feel like years when I'm alone
And the bed where you lie
Is made up on your side
When you walk away
I count the steps that you take
Do you see how much

I need you right now?
When you're gone
The pieces of my heart are missing you
When you're gone
The face I came to know is missing too
When you're gone
All the words I need to hear to always get me
Through the day
And make it OK
I miss you

I've never felt this way before
Everything that I do
Reminds me of you
And the clothes you left
They lie on my floor
And they smell just like you
I love the things that you do

When you walk away
I count the steps that you take
Do you see how much I need you right now?
When you're gone
The pieces of my heart are missing you
When you're gone
The face I came to knows is missing too
And when you're gone
The words I need to heart to alaways get me
Through the day
And make it OK
I miss you

We were made for each other
Out here forever
I know we were

All I ever wanted was for you to know
Everything I do I give my heart and soul
I can hardly breathe, I need to fell you here with me

When you're gone
The pieces of my heart are missing you
When you're gone
The face I came to know i smissing too
When you're gone
The words I need to hear will always get me
Through the day
And make it OK
I miss you

Februari 04, 2009


Persahabatan atau pertemanan adalah istilah yang menggambarkan perilaku kerja sama dan saling mendukung antara dua atau lebih entitas sosial. Artikel ini memusatkan perhatian pada pemahaman yang khas dalam hubungan antar pribadi.

Dalam pengertian ini, istilah "persahabatan" menggambarkan suatu hubungan yang melibatkan pengetahuan, penghargaan dan afeksi. Sahabat akan menyambut kehadiran sesamanya dan menunjukkan kesetiaan satu sama lain, seringkali hingga pada altruisme. selera mereka biasanya serupa dan mungkin saling bertemu, dan mereka menikmati kegiatan-kegiatan yang mereka sukai. Mereka juga akan terlibat dalam perilaku yang saling menolong, seperti tukar-menukar nasihat dan saling menolong dalam kesulitan. Sahabat adalah orang yang memperlihatkan perilaku yang berbalasan dan reflektif. Namun bagi banyak orang, persahabatan seringkali tidak lebih daripada kepercayaan bahwa seseorang atau sesuatu tidak akan merugikan atau menyakiti mereka.

Nilai yang terdapat dalam persahabatan seringkali apa yang dihasilkan ketika seorang sahabat memperlihatkan secara konsisten:
- kecenderungan untuk
menginginkan apa yang terbaik bagi satu sama lain.
- simpati dan empati.
- kejujuran, barangkali dalam keadaan-keadaan yang sulit bagi orang lain untuk mengucapkan kebenaran.
- saling

Seringkali ada anggapan bahwa sahabat sejati sanggup mengungkapkan perasaan-perasaan yang terdalam, yang mungkin tidak dapat diungkapkan, kecuali dalam keadaan-keadaan yang sangat sulit, ketika mereka datang untuk menolong.

Dibandingkan dengan hubungan pribadi, persahabatan dianggap lebih dekat daripada sekadar kenalan, meskipun dalam persahabatan atau hubungan antar kenalan terdapat tingkat keintiman yang berbeda-beda. Bagi banyak orang, persahabatan dan hubungan antar kenalan terdapat dalam kontinum yang sama.

Disiplin-disiplin utama yang mempelajari persahabatan adalah sosiologi, antropologi dan zoologi. Berbagai teori tentang persahabatan telah dikemukakan, di antaranya adalah psikologi sosial, teori pertukaran sosial, teori keadilan, dialektika relasional, dan tingkat keakraban.

So,, do you know....
what is "best friendsss" ????